Diaspora Literature: Identity Beyond Borders

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Diaspora literature refers to writings that have resulted from a world beyond the home of dispersed, dislocated, and scattered migrant groups. Meena Alexander defines it as “writing in search of homeland”. These groups, coming into being by dispersion of people form a population that is transnational under the impact of certain events forced or voluntary.

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Diaspora literature refers to writings that have resulted from a world beyond the home of dispersed, dislocated, and scattered migrant groups. Meena Alexander defines it as “writing in search of homeland”. These groups, coming into being by dispersion of people form a population that is transnational under the impact of certain events forced or voluntary. In the 1980s and 1990s, the term Diaspora gained prominence in meaning, range, and scope placing a high premium on non-centre and hybridity which took into account more groups of refugees, exiles, expatriates, migrants, immigrants, and various ethnic communities. Over the past few years, the term diaspora has encompassed different groups of people who have proliferated and settled in a postcolonial and increasingly globalized world far from their homeland. Diaspora has to be constantly redefined and constantly understood in newer situations with its various connotations.

A number of authors have dealt with multiculturalism, emigrant sensibility, their inner conflict and sense of loss, sense of split, a gap, pangs and pain of exile, displacement, nostalgia, and the quest for an identity beyond borders in an alien land. Many ideas and experiences have been formulated and represented in writing and question of identity, for instance, questions of language, culture, ideology, justice, and equality have been captured in diaspora literature.

  • Hardcover: Hardbound
  • Publisher: Emerald Publishers
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9788195962525
  • Dimensions: 14 x 21.5cm
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