The book entitled Diasporic Divulgence provides a detailed description of Diaspora and its concepts. It comprises of about 13 chapters which depict the different aspects of diaspora starting from its origin, features, types and Diasporic Literature. The aim of writing this book is to offer in-depth knowledge for the readers in the broad topic of
The book entitled Diasporic Divulgence provides a detailed description of Diaspora and its concepts. It comprises of about 13 chapters which depict the different aspects of diaspora starting from its origin, features, types and Diasporic Literature. The aim of writing this book is to offer in-depth knowledge for the readers in the broad topic of Diaspora and particularly on Indian Diaspora. The main intention of writing this book is also to create interest and enthusiasm among the readers to acquire more knowledge on the basics of Diaspora for their research study. The book also pinpoints the views of the pioneers of Diaspora such as William Safran and Cohen. To make the book more effective and useful for the readers, the book also discusses Indian Diasporic Literature in an elaborative manner. The various concepts of diaspora such as multiculturalism, identity crisis, Home and belonging, and Hybridity have been discussed separately in different chapters inorder to make the readers understand the concepts before they delve into Diasporic Literature.
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