English for Success

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Author name : G. Radhakrishna Pillai ISBN: 9788179661000 The importance of language skills in career development is borne out by the fact that English language skills form an integral and important part of all competitive examinations. To do well in such examinations, whether they are for admission to universities in India or abroad, or for

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Author name : G. Radhakrishna Pillai

ISBN: 9788179661000

The importance of language skills in career development is borne out by the fact that English language skills form an integral and important part of all competitive examinations. To do well in such examinations, whether they are for admission to universities in India or abroad, or for selection to plum executive or administrative positions, one should have the ability to use language English in the context of present-day India-effectively and impressively. This book aims to help those who wish to do well in such examinations, and later in life.

  • Hardcover: Paperback
  • Publisher: Emerald Publishers
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 978-81-7966-100-0
  • Dimensions: 12 x 18 cm
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