Essays on the History of English Literature

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Author name : K.R. Ramachandran Nair ISBN: 9788179660034 “History of English Literature” is one of the compulsory papers offered as part of the B.A. English Literature course in most of the Indian Universities. A comprehensive understanding of the growth and development of english literature from chaucer to the modern times deemed to be an essential

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Author name : K.R. Ramachandran Nair

ISBN: 9788179660034

“History of English Literature” is one of the compulsory papers offered as part of the B.A. English Literature course in most of the Indian Universities. A comprehensive understanding of the growth and development of english literature from chaucer to the modern times deemed to be an essential learning acquisition for anyone who completes a course of English Literature studies.

  • Hardcover: NA
  • Publisher: NA
  • Language: NA
  • ISBN-10: NA
  • Dimensions: NA
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