Author name : Dr. Geetha. T ISBN: 9789348264046 The foremost intention of the compilation of this book is to shed some light on the noteworthy events happening inside our bodies every day involuntarily without our knowledge. “Human Body Sculpted Marvel of God” is not merely just a book; it’s an invitation to marvel at the
Author name : Dr. Geetha. T
ISBN: 9789348264046
The foremost intention of the compilation of this book is to shed some light on the noteworthy events happening inside our bodies every day involuntarily without our knowledge.
“Human Body Sculpted Marvel of God” is not merely just a book; it’s an invitation to marvel at the exquisite craftsmanship that is your own human body. It is a tribute to the divine creativity that created the human form, as well as a plea to embrace the precious essence of life.This fascinating book builds on a deep belief in God’s creation of the human body, leading readers on a thoughtful journey through the unfathomable complexities and flawless design of our existence.
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