Author name : Raja Marthandan ISBN: 978-81-7966-381-3 This book offers you one way of achieving these objectives on the basis of written english. English is a world language. This situation demands the evolution of a world standard for the language. Written english is sufficiently standardized to form a basis for the development. The apparent “anything
Author name : Raja Marthandan
ISBN: 978-81-7966-381-3
This book offers you one way of achieving these objectives on the basis of written english. English is a world language. This situation demands the evolution of a world standard for the language. Written english is sufficiently standardized to form a basis for the development. The apparent “anything goes for spoken english”attitude is ill-convinced and grossly misleading. The time has come when even the so-called “native” speakers need to develop such adjustments to their pronounciation of english as will accommodate the requirements of global intelligibility.
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